Japanese Links

Here's another example of Wa repeating herself:
Before any of you enter the links below, we ask that you promise
not to take the artworks from the Japanese artists. Different from us, they
build the websites and do the drawings to earn money. Therefore, please don't steal
from them or else we would have to take the links down. Thanks for reading this
note, now you can go and visit!!

んにちは、これは A GW Fairy Tale から WaとAiです。リンクを貼り出す前に許可を要求しないことが残念です。私達両方は GWが本当に好きで、私達も GWのように人々についてほとんどを本当に信じます。従って、私達は、許しおよび許可に、リンクを貼り出すことを要求します。これは私達の電子メールアドレスです aiwafi@yahoo.ca もしこのサイトからリンクを外すことを望むならば、どうぞ、私達に連絡してください。もしこれを書くために、私達が訳者プログラムを用いているので、私達が日本語で意味をなさないならば残念です。最後に、私達は、これを読むための貴重な時間の間感謝の言葉を述べたい。

(In Eng: to all the awsome japanese artists: if you don't want your link to be posted up
here, please inform us. The email address is aiwafi@yahoo.ca, we will take
the link down immediately.)

Web by:Tomomi Ishida. Another well known japanese artist who has done beautiful artworks of GW.
Web by:Kajika Ono. This is Wa's fav Japanese artist, Kajika-san's, site! (my idol!) Her GW artworks are really amazing! Must go visit! Usually updated monthly.
Web by: Himi Kanzaki. I think that most of you have visited this site, before. Really beautiful artwork from CyberGarden.
Web By:Chasse .Another cute and pretty GW artwork site.
Web by:ぴーたーJr . Very unique artworks, mostly watercolour works. And very fantasy-ish too. Also contains other artworks as well.
Web by: Bambi Takada. Again most of you would know this famous site. There are many well known beautiful artwork from this site.
Web by: MTT? Cute and funny artwork, from this japanese artist. The doujinshi is really really funny, you should go and take a look!
Web by: Mikan-san. Awesome artwork here, the webmisstress' artworks are really neat and pretty.

Some of the banners here have been renamed because they there are too much file names that are the same and for easy organization.
If you don't like the idea of your Banner being renamed, please inform us.

Last update: Aug 16.04
Wa & Ai

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